ALL 썸네일형 리스트형 2015-2018 글로벌노마딕프로젝트 2015-2018 글로벌노마딕아트프로젝트 전원길 / 야투인터내셔널 프로젝트 디렉터 1.- 저는 이 행사의 중요한 목적인 글로벌노마딕아트프로젝트를 진행하고 있는 디렉터로서 앞으로 우리가 하고자 하는 일에 대하여 소개하려고 합니다.- 저는 이 프레젠테이션을 통해서 이 글로벌노마틱프로젝트가 어떤 배경 하에서 기획되었으며 행사의 개략적인 진행방법과 이를 실현하기위한 계획들에 대해서 말씀드리고자 합니다. 그리고 세계를 움직이면서 작업한다는 이 프로젝트가 갖는 의미는 무엇이고 마침내 우리가 얻고자 하는 것은 무엇인지 생각해 보겠습니다.- 그리고 프로젠테이션의 말미에는 이 프로젝트에 대한 구체적인 사항을 좀더 자세하게 이해하기 위해서 질의와 응답의 시간을 갖도록 하겠습니다.- 그럼 이 프로젝트는 어떤 배경하게 기획되.. More 2014 Global Nomadic Art Project 2014-2018 Online PresentationGlobal Nomadic Art Project2014-2018 By Project Director Wongil Jeon YATOO is planning a travelling project this April in Korea as a pilot program for GNAP2015-2018. The GNAP projects are planned to be held in 2015-Asia, 2016-Africa & Middle East, 2017-Europ, 2018-America. The exact time periods are not clear yet, but it could be April to July every year from 2015 to 2018.This.. More Where art and nature meet: Curator Jane Ingram Allen Please Click to read an article 'Where art and nature meet' by Curator Jane Ingram Allen Photography by Timothy S. Allen More Time of the Nomads… by Lynn Bennett Mackenzie Croit mo Sheanair29 Strath, GairlochRoss-shire, IV21 2DATel: +44 1445 712389Email: Blog: ceangalarts.blogspot.comWeb: http://ceangal.wordpress.comTwitter: @ceangalconnectFB – Ceangal=connection Time of the Nomads….. No time to rest on my laurels, just four days after seeing off the last artists from the successful Ceangal 2013 residency, I was myself air bound, heading .. More INTROSPECTUS2013 ’est à un voyage particulier que l’artiste Fred Martin invite le public de Couleur café pour cette édition 2013. Un voyage à l’intérieur d’un cerveau géant tel un labyrinthe aux tracés sinueux, avec ses impasses et ses fausses pistes. Une invitation à pénétrer les circonvolutions d’un cerveau géant en terre et y laisser des traces et des impressions sur les parois du cortex afin d’en alimenter l.. More Nature, Human Being & Sound The 5th Biennale of Art and Nature -John K. Grande Gongju, South Korea Nature, Human Being & SoundThe 5th Biennale of Art and Nature Sculpture Magazine May 2013 issue This 5th Art & Nature Biennale in South Korea whose theme is Nature, Human & Sound is generated by Yatoo, a group that has been in existence since the early 1980s. The outdoor artworks f.. More Nature Art by Atefeh Khas More Emotional Seasons Art and creativity is a special precious gift to humanity, but much anxiety comes with it. It may be a great joy or a great bitterness to the one who decides to be an artist; he or she may be filled with the Spirit of bliss, or possessed with the spirit of gloom. In all cases, nature gives us one receipt for the curing of all the ills, "Look at the spirit within, does your art bring you fulfillm.. More Mythic Lane Mythic Lane is an installation inspired by the project The Myth of Nature (De Mythe van de Natuur) located in national park Het Drent Friese Wold (Netherlands). It is build with 26 dead pine trees making a lane of about 140 metrs. along a bike road. So people biking in this beatiful landscape wil have a new experience with rythm. The concept is about my idea that there are two myths about nature.. More A Prayer Through Ko Seung-hyun’s “Gayageum: The Sound of a Hundred Years” A Prayer Through Ko Seung-hyun’s “Gayageum: The Sound of a Hundred Years”Jeon Won-gil / Artist & Director of the YATOO-I Project I.A collection of over 20 works on Gayageum, a 12-stringed Korean zither, of Ko Seung-hyun has been made into a recent book. Watching the Gayageum series, which Ko has worked on for over a decade, being edited into a book, I got the impression that I hadn’t had with e.. More Contemporary Mongolian artists relation to nomadic lifestyle This article is about Mongolian artists relation to Nature, a heritage and childhoods based on a nomadic lifestile. A moment in space and time, where art related to Nature is fused with new ideas in bold manners. More ‘Art as a Possibility to Breathe, Nature Art' ‘Art as a Possibility to Breathe, Nature Art '2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale's Indoor Exhibition'Where is Nature?'Jeon, Won-gil, Artist/ Curator of 2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale I.2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale planned an indoor exhibition again, following the special exhibition of 2004 Biennale titled 'Animal as Entity'. In 2006 and 2008 Biennale, only the outdoor exhibition was held .. More Looking back at the 2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Yatoo Workshop / 2010 Looking back at the 2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Yatoo WorkshopWhere is your mind?Jeon, Wong-gil , Artist/Curator of 2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 1. Prologue2010 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale's Yatoo Workshop was held for the second time, succeeding the past 2008 Biennale. Yatoo Workshop which was planned in order to share Yatoo's spirit of nature art movement with the Biennale's parti.. More For a new interaction with the nature / 2007 For a new interaction with the nature Jeon, Won-gil I. Nature and Human The current human civilization in which the convenient and pleasant lifestyle can only be maintained through the process of destroying the nature is unlikely to guarantee a promising future. The grave environmental degradation that led to global warming is an issue that the human race across the world face, regardless of.. More To the Nature with Body / 2005 To the Nature with Body Jeon , Won-gil I. Yatoo I showed first nature art in Chongbeuk Geum river in Gongju in summer season. It was not a short term. I could call my art work in the nature an art project done for comparatively a long time. It is because the works kept constant character in the methods and ideas. However, I worked differently in different seasons and places. I obtained many th.. More YATOO-i Summer Nature Art Workshop 2024 More YATOO-i Spring Nature Art Workshop 2024 More YATOO-i Winter Nature Art Workshop 2024 " data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스Tahereh Goudarzi Shovel GardenGroup performance with Shahrnaz Zarkesh and Farzaneh Soleimani Neisiani_Autumn 2023_Isfahan, Iran More Timbuseng Art Project 2023 Timbuseng Art Project 20232023.11.03. - 2023.12.30.Theme: "dry rain falls is these months"Participants: Zacky Magello, Alsyahzani, Aldi Benteng, Wahyu, Ghali, Firman Djamil More YATOO-i Summer Nature Art Workshop 2023 Alpár Péter_Presence_Bicfalau, Transylvania, Roumania Arvydas Ališanka_Hurricane in Juodkrantė_The Curonian Spit, Amber Bay, Lithuania Carlos de Gredos_Rozsocháč. Czech hedgehog-1_Hoyocasero, Ávila, Spain Carlotta Brunetti_Surprise_unknown Daniel Aguilar Arreguìn_Summer on the island of Cozumel, Mexico_Cozumel Mèxico Ehud Schori_Father and Son_Israel Emanuela Camacci_Eggs.1_Normandie, France Far.. 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