Irene Hoppenberg bio.
Irene Hoppenberg 2007 Artist in Residence, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia 2006 Vincent‘s Bedroom, Permanent Installation, Arte Luise Kunsthotel, Berlin, Germany 2003 Artist in Residence, Solothurn, Switzerland Individual Shows 2003 Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin, Germany Kunstraum 4.Stock, Solothurn, Switzerland 2002 Kleine Orangerie Schloß Charlott..
삶이 곧 예술이다. 자연이 곧 예술이다. -24절기 Peace쓰기-(Life is art. nature is art -Writing Peace for the 24 Solar Terms-)
2023-159회, 겨울, 은행동, 대전, 현장, 허진권, 삶이 곧 예술이다. 자연이 곧 예술이다. -24절기 Peace쓰기-HUR Jinkwon, Eunhaeng-dong, Daejeon, Life is art. nature is art -Writing Peace for the 24 Solar Terms-, Winter, 2023-159th