1975 – Born in İzmir
1998 – Graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, İzmir-TURKEY. BA in Ceramics.
1999-2004 – She worked herself in private art studio, Kuşadası- TURKEY
2004-2008 – Graduated from Dokuz Eylül Üniversity, Institute of , Fine Arts, İzmir-
TURKEY. MFA in Ceramics. Her thesis topic:“A Research and an Application Study on the Subject of Pate de Verre Glass Forming Technique”
She participated national and international mixed exhibitions in İzmir, İstanbul, Ankara, Malatya, Croatia and Romania. She participated workshops with regard to Raku and Pit Firing Ceramic Firing Technique. She arranged course and lectured on Raku and Pit-firing in Finland. Besides of the ceramics and glass, she made sculpture with ıce, snow, straw and terracotta materials.
Sema Okan Topaç who lecturer at Dokuz Eylül University, Fine Art Faculty, Ceramic and Glass Design, she has continued as a DFA Student in Ceramic and Glass Design.
ARTISTS-S/Sema Okan Topaç