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Kojo Biney Kojo Biney    Kojo Biney is my name; I am an art educator (high school art teacher) and practicing artist. I am a contemporary multi-discipline artist who is into nature art, Painting, performance art and have held lot of solo and group exhibition in central and western part of Ghana, Togo and Europe. I live in the coastal town of Ghana which makes me dialogue more with the sea and beaches. Natu.. More
Hyunhie Ko bio. Nature is something that has always been there. It circulates in time and coexists with us. Nature Art is the language of the artist to sense the passage of time, to express the artist’s realizations through the natural materials she could discover in nature actively.Nature is there. The artist has become the part of the system by assembling and dismantling its elements. Hyunhie KO hyunhie01@han.. More
2011, Ko Hyunhie More
Klega bio. Klega  Email : info.klega@yahoo.co.uk Homepage: http://portal.sliderocket.com/AFJJU/UltraMini  I currently live, work and teach in Seoul, before that I lived in London for 15 years. My current practice evolved from using found objects. I use whatever is at hand to discover its usages and functions in the contemporary visual culture. Often with animations derived from manipulating some objects. S.. More
KIMURA, Katsuaki bio. KIMURA, Katsuaki   Email. katsu-227@msi.biglobe.ne.jp Homepage. http://kimuaart306.jimdo.com/  one-man show 1988  Sound.Darkness.light   Kuzukubo art museum (Nagano) 1999 Memory of time-going Asakawa,Takumi- Gallery in the blue  (Utsunomiya) group show 1975 Japan Independent Exhibition  Tokyo metropolitan art museum (Tokyo) 1988  Nihon bijutsu Kai Exhibition (Habana Cuba) 1992 Succession Exhibit.. More
Kim Soonim bio Kim Soonimsoonimee@yahoo.co.krwww.kimsoonim.com Soonim is a nature player and visual artist who interpret people and regions that she encounters in her life through subjective methods. Sculpture, installation, painting, performance, video recording, and site-specific art are applied to her works.Kim Soonim(b. 1975, Punggi, Sobaek Mountain aria, South Korea) received an MFA(2007) and BFA(2002) in.. More
Khosro Adibi bio. Khosro AdibiIn my artistic process, the creation of a new work doesn’t come to life through an advanced plan. My work process starts with observation: an attempt to enter into a dialog with the specific context, explore its hidden qualities and create a new “shifted” reality without a limit for the artistic disciplines. Often the possibilities and limitations that a new situation creates or impo.. More
Karin van der Molen bio. Karin van der Molen (Heemskerk, The Netherlands, 1962) Education: Vrije Academie voor Beeldende Kunst, Den Haag /University of Amsterdam  Selected recent exhibitions   2018   L’art par Nature, Grande Synthe, France            Echigo Tsumari Trienniale, Japan            Pulchri Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands   2017    X-sites, Helsingborg, Sweden           Grenzenloos Kunst verkennen, IJhors.. More
Karen Macher Nesta bio. Karen Macher Nesta   I was born in Lima (Perú). I live and work in Lima. I guess it was in 2007 when I discovered, by chance, how was it like to work with nature. I went to my first nature installation symposium that took place in a forest in Belgium; there I found out a connection with nature that I want to keep on working with. Since then I have been more conscious about the materials I use fo.. More
Kathy Bruce bio. Kathy Bruce email. arnoble@earthlink.net   Kathy Bruce is a site-specific environmental artist. She received an M.F.A from Yale University School of Art and a certificate from The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Ms. Bruce is the recipient of numerous grants and awards. She has recently completed a Fulbright Hayes Senior Scholarship Grant for Lecturing and Research in Puno Peru 2012 where she .. More
Promise Promise, Gongju Jeongan-cheon 1998 More
Kaiqin Zhang bio. Kaiqin Zhangwww.zhangkaiqin.com Kaiqin Zhang was born in Kun Ming, Yunnan province, China mainland, currently working in the art department of Shenzhen Public Art Center (also known as Shenzhen Sculpture Academy).The interaction between humans and the connection human beings with nature have always been the focuses of her works. Simplicity, calmness along with observing the excited surroundings .. More
Jung Jangjig bio. Jung Jangjig   1981 흑인가 흑연인가 (대전문화원) 1987 찍음.직힘 (대전중앙 갤러리) 1993 붓가는데로 칼가는 대로 (홍인갤러리) 1996 회화의 끝에서서 (오원화랑) 1997 훼이스 드로잉 (일본 경도 베니 갤러리) 1998 흙에서 나무로-심류 산장홀­설치 1999 한시대 연금술 엿보기 (부산시립미술관) 1부스전 1999 화가의 꿈은 사라지고 (마로니에 화랑) 2001 정장직 훼이스도로잉 展(독일 함부르크 쿤스툭화랑) 2001 한국 미술 2001 : 회화의 복권 1부스展(서울과천 국립현대미술관) 2004 정장직 교수展(중국 남경 효장학원 전시실) 2005 한러아트페어 (서울세종문화회관, 1부스 모스크바) 2007 정장직 드롱잉展(중국 양주, 양주대학교 전시실) 2009 행운을 부르.. More
Junichiro ISHII bio. Junichiro ISHII http://www.reart.net   By placing myself in unfamiliar environments, such as foreign counties with different cultures or histories, or fields of knowledge that are unknown to me, my work is initiated by a very personal speculation, or an idea that is complementary with the lack of information that comes during a process of adaptation. I trust that the most banal, routine and seem.. More
Júlia Egervári bio. Júlia Egervári  www.julia-egervari.blogspot.hu   In 2008 I finished the Secondary School of Fine and Applied arts at Budapest. I studied graphic design, electronic and traditional techniques too.  Now I study sculptural techniques at the Visual Department of Eszterházy College in Eger. Fortunately we have subjects about nature art ( this is the only one place in Hungary) and we have just started.. More
Joseph Tasnadi bio. Joseph Tasnadi http://www.josephtasnadi.hu/  Joseph Tasnadi is a visual artist living and working in Budapest, Hungary. He is serving as associate professor at the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design in the same city. At first he worked as architect and graphic artist, later as painter. Following that he worked mainly on installation and utopian plan-art. For a while his field of interest .. More
John K Grande bio. John K Grande http://www.johnkgrande.comJohn K. Grande is author, curator and lecturer on Art & Ecology. He has curated Earth Art in Canada at the Royal Botanical Gardens and at the Van Dusen Gardens over the past 6 years. He also write poetry and science fiction when time permits.   Publications include Balance: Art and Nature (Black Rose Books, Intertwining; Landscape Technology Issues Artists.. More
Joern Hansen bio. Joern Hansen Sculptor, nowadays I work mainly with wood, driftwood and glass, Land Art, and nature art since ca 1993. I have made Land Art in many countries, and have participated in projects in Denmark, Latvia, Spain, Germany, Italy. Made sculpturpark in Ledreborg Palacepark  Denmark, with land art installations. I have had exhibitions in Denmark, Holland, France, Sweden. More
Jon Foreman bio. Jon Foreman https://facebook.com/sculpttheworld The ephemeral works of Jon Foreman are much in line with that of other land artists, but it is evident that he strives to create something different each time and to create works which are quite unlike that of other Land Art works much of his works evoke loneliness and serenity, in environments which often seem detached from the normal world. The a.. More
Jeon Wongil Jeon Wongil www.sonahmoo.com/artnot  Since he started a life as an artist in 1983, Wongil Jeon has been continuing to work inside nature to untangle nature's order by painting and drawing method on the basis of formative imagination within himself and body's sense and natural art to work along nature.Since after studying fine arts at Chelsea College of Art and Design of University of the Arts Lo.. More