Sharon Jewell
My art practice is mainly studio based and over the past twenty years I have been involved in making sculptures, drawings and installations, using a vast range of media. Over the past six years I have made an intensive investigation of line as a sculptural principle, which has recently developed into a number of drawing projects. These projects are centred around a question of how drawing can create a dialogue with nature rather than attempt to represent or understand it. This investigation is currently taking place within a Doctoral research project through the Queensland University of Technology.
Another concurrent and ongoing project, which ties in with the above, is directly involved with art in the natural environment, using the materials found on site. This interest began in 1999 and 2000, as I participated in the Yatoo International Nature Art Exhibition and the 2nd Yokohama Internationational Open-Air Art Exhibition. Currently I am involved as co-director and participating artist with an annual outdoor art and environment festival which takes place on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) off the South East Queensland coast.
Throughout my professional life I have held more than a dozen solo exhibitions, been involved in both touring and located group shows and have received residency grants in both Italy (1994) and Finland (2011). I am currently the recipient of an Australian Post Graduate Award for a PhD research program
'ARTISTS-S > Sharon Jewell' 카테고리의 다른 글
2011_SHaron_Jewell_Inverted_Lines_Minjerribah (0) | 2024.12.03 |
2011_Sharon_Jewell_Fissure_Lines_Minjerribah (0) | 2024.12.03 |
2000_Sharon_Jewell_Three ways ofgoing through the Forest_Yokohama (0) | 2024.12.03 |
2011_Sharon Jewell_Long_Line_Minjerribah (0) | 2024.12.03 |
2011_Sharon_Jewell_Wave_Lines_Minjerribah (0) | 2024.12.03 |