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2013 128th YATOO-i Nature art Spring Workshop

2013 128th YATOO-i Nature Art Spring Workshop


Date : 2013. 4. 26(Fri)-4. 27(Sat)  

Place : Gongju Korea (Wongol Nature Art House, Hanchen Honggildong Villege) 

■ Program:

26th April / 금강쌍신생태공원  Geumgan Ssangshin Eco Park, 한전 홍길동마을 Hanchen Honggildong Villege 

- 2012금강자연미술비엔날레 작품 감상 Appriciation of the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2012

- 자연미술작업 Nature Art Work

- 환영인사 및 야투자연미술운동소개 Welcoming Speech and Introducing YATOO Nature Art Movement (이응우 한국자연미술가협회 회장  Ri, Eung-woo  Chairman, Korean Nature Artists' Association - YATOO)

-마감뉴스 활동소개 Introducing Group Magamnews  (최용선 Choi, Yong-sun Chairman, Group Magamnews)  

-2014 2014금강자연미술비엔날레 컨셉 발표 Explanation of the concept Geumgang Nature Art Biennale (김성호 2014금강자연미술비엔날레 총감독 Kim, Sung-ho Director Geumgang Nature Art Biennale)

- 2014 금강자연미술비엔날레 운영계획  About the Plan of  Geumgan Nature Biennale (고승현 2014 금강자연미술비엔날레 운영위원장 Ko, Seung-hyun Commissioner Geumgan Nature Art Biennale)

- 제1회국제자연미술기획자회의 운영계획  About the Plan of 1st International Nature Art Curators' Conference (전원길 야투인터내셔널프로젝트 디렉터  Jeon, Won-gil  Director YATOO International Project)




27th April / Wongol Nature Art House

- 기억하는 땅 전시 오픈 Opening "Reminiscence of the Land"

- 자연미술작업 Nature Art Work

- 128회 야투아이 몸 워크숍 프레젠테이션 Presentation  128th YATOO-i Spring Season Workshop





강인구 Kang Ingoo 

강희준 Kang Hee-oon 

고승현 Ko Seunghyun 

고현희 Ko Hyunhie

  김성미 Kim SungMi

김수복 Kim Subok 

김순임 Kim Soonim   

김성호 Kim Sungho

  이수아 Lee Sooah 

이응우 Ri Eungwoo 

이재은 Lee Jaeeun 

이종균 Lee Jongkyun

  전원길 Jeon Wongil 

조미영 Jo Meeyoung

정유선 Jung Yousun

최용선 Choi Yongsun

한현아 Han Hyunah

Adri A.C. de Fluiter(NetherlandS)   

Barbara Roux(USA)   

Ehud Schori(Israel)   

Firman djamil(Indonesia)


Irene Hoppenberg(Germany)   

Karen macher nesta(Peru)

   Koter Vilmos(Rumania, Transylvania)   

Lilian Cooper(UK)   

Linda Gordon(UK)   

Lorna Green(UK)

   Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie(UK,Scotland)   


Maria Dundakova(Switzerland)

   Minoosh zomorodinia(Iran)   

Nooshin naficy(Iran)   

Roy Staab(USA)   

Ruti & Yoram Raviv(Israel)

   Pokorny Attila(Rumania, Transylvania)   

Strijdom van der Merwe(South Africa) 

Marcin Jabłoński (Poland) 

   Patrick Tagoe-Turkson(Gana)

Péter Alpár & Students (Rumania, Transylvania) 

Éltes Barna (Rumania,   Transylvania)

   Donald Buglass(New zealand)

Herb Parker(USA)




강인구 Kang Ingoo 




강희준 Kang Heejoon



고승현 Ko Seunghyun




고현희 Ko Hyunhie



김성미 Kim SungMi



김수복 Kim Subok



김순임 Kim Soonim 



이응우 Ri Eungwoo 



이종균 Lee Jongkyun



전원길 Jeon Wongil 



조미영 Jo Meeyoung





정유선 Jung Yousun




최용선 Choi Yongsun




<YATOO-i Members' Season Works>


Ehud Schori  "A Lama, 2013, Dunes in Caesaria, Israel"



Pokorny Attila Transylvania (Ro) 2013



Patrick Demazeau dit MADE 'Catch the Wind of Spring'  



Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie, fig IV - paper, pine cones, sawdust, bark, beeswax - 30 x 41 cm



Lorna Green, Stormy Scape 2013



Karen macher nesta, hibrido II-6




Maria Dundakova, GEO TOPOS "Grain of rise"




Spring life project 2013

A thousand raindrops,

A thousand sounds in one grain,

A thousand grains in one grain,

Sing ancient songs of the Earth.
Maria Dundakova 18. 4. 2013


Roy Staab  "Late April Ring"  2013


" I went back to the water site in the afternoon yesterday and took the pieces of goldenrod out of the water and broke the tops off and then put them in a different puddle. I was after the surface tension and the circle of white highlights. This is small works 6 inches in diameter, on this abandoned flooded area near my house.  I call it "Late April Ring".





Adri A.C. de Fluiter 2013

Adri A.C. de Fluiter is planing to realize his spring season work in Switzerland.





Firman djamil,   Blood surviving 2013

Bleeding from the tree or sap is a way for the tree to survive, while waiting for the rains soaked the earth and energy from sunlight exposure. Rubber tree is representing a resistance for life.




Nooshin naficy, Sings 2013 Tehran- Iran



Koter Vilmos, Covered with bark 2013



 I have done today 27.4.13 for Yatoo-i in fields and wood near Jerusalem mountains.




Lilian Cooper 2013

"I made it today in the dune landscape of Zuid-Kennemerland National Park near Haarlem. In the first picture you can see the rain is literally dissolving the text. Spring seemed like it was arriving yesterday and the winter has been unusually long here but today we were all reminded that it will take a while longer. I make my pieces as temporary interventions as I strongly believe that I should leave no trace… I made this for the location. It is an extraordinary bit of wilderness in the most densely inhabited part of the Netherlands."




Linda Gordon, 2013

"This morning I made this piece, called Low Tide, at the mouth of the estuary where the Two Rivers run into the Atlantic. The weather was alternating sunshine and cloud - with a very cold wind. I found the little sticks (around 15cm long) nearby - which had been carried down the river for a long time, and eventually landed here."




Irene Hoppenberg "Bronze Lemons" 2013




Irene Hoppenberg "Bronze Lemons" 2013




Hundefaenger " Wegmarken in Berlin" March  2013



Minoosh zomorodinia  2013



Marcin Jabłoński

I can call it walking workshops or workshops on the way . These wheels were created from found organic residues. This is the logical continuation of previous workshops which been in winter.