PEACE쓰기(Writing PEACE)
2023-160회, 봄, 공주, 금강변, 허진권, PEACE쓰기 HUR Jinkwon, Gongju, Geumgnag Riverside, Writing PEACE, Spring, 2023-160th
삶이 곧 예술이다. 자연이 곧 예술이다. -24절기 Peace쓰기-(Life is art. nature is art -Writing Peace for the 24 Solar Terms-)
2023-159회, 겨울, 은행동, 대전, 현장, 허진권, 삶이 곧 예술이다. 자연이 곧 예술이다. -24절기 Peace쓰기-HUR Jinkwon, Eunhaeng-dong, Daejeon, Life is art. nature is art -Writing Peace for the 24 Solar Terms-, Winter, 2023-159th
2013, Huang Jui-Chen,Pattern Decorations No.04,Taipei City,Taiwan
This art project was focused on the mystery of plant life, the shapes and colors which exist in nature. and the relationship between artificial and natural. I cut the leaves and flowers into thin lines, row around into the original shapes, observe their change within a year, and record with camera. Finally, I restructure the digital photos of leaves and flowers,creat this picture.
2013, Huang Jui-Chen,Pattern Decorations No.03,Taipei City,Taiwan
This art project was focused on the mystery of plant life, the shapes and colors which exist in nature. and the relationship between artificial and natural. I cut the leaves and flowers into thin lines, row around into the original shapes, observe their change within a year, and record with camera. Finally, I restructure the digital photos of leaves and flowers,creat this picture.