"Leaves of Change"
Site: Wildekrans Country House, Houw Hoek, Overberg, Western Cape, South Africa
Medium: Found wood, reeds, screws & hemp twine
“Step through the wind that rustle the leaves of trees, plants & weeds
on the slope of a mountain – fallen, standing, tall
the trees that read the memory of the leaves
Defined shades and lines cast by the long limbs of the trees
Let all the green leaves be yours – the brown, dry and dark
left as food for soil, home to the ants and wood lice.
Walk along, follow your heart, over river, and pathways
Footsteps crushing leaves and bark into the land, into yourself.
To feel much more than know.
Read these leaves. Re-think what you have been told
dismiss whatever insults your soul”
- Janet Botes, Wildekrans, 2015 – with phrases from Dejan Stojanovic, Munia Khan and Walt Whitman
'ARTISTS-J > Janet Botes' 카테고리의 다른 글
2016, 14 February, Scarborough beach, Western Cape, South Africa (0) | 2024.10.24 |
2015, Wildekrans, Western Cape, South Africa - Bark leaves & Seed cocoon (0) | 2024.10.24 |
2015, The rocks of Brandvlei, Northern Cape, South Africa (0) | 2024.10.24 |
2015, The Global Nomadic Art Project Korea II, Work by Janet Botes (0) | 2024.10.24 |
2015, Dirt is Good (0) | 2024.10.23 |