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Autumn Woodland: the eternal movement of life. Fall - Bucks Valley Woods, Devon, England. Oct 2015 More
Deadwood A strong theme in my current work is the movement of life: the eternal cycles of birth and death, all going on at the same time. With work such as this ephemeral piece, Deadwood, I like to make subtle, unexpected changes to a place, which catch the eye and draw attention to the multitude of natural processes all around. My aim is to work in alignment with nature, rather than to impose my persona.. More
Catkin Flow Made with fallen catkins from the Sweet Chestnut tree. The catkins were still falling around me as I worked in the woods. This piece draws attention to the land, the autumn season and to nature's endless processes.   1st August 2014. North Devon woodland. More
Les Phonies Bergères Les Phonies Bergères was a Festival of nature arts, words and music, taking place in the village of Accous in the French Pyrenees. I called my piece: Line and Spiral.  As the artists' trail was to take place along the ancient pilgrim route, Le Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, it seemed appropriate for me to make a ‘walking’ installation, in which people could slow down and relax, and take.. More
Resting Place Resting Place – Lubartow-Kozlowka, Poland, July 2012. Willow, twigs, leaves, split bamboo shavings. Dia.of base approx. 3m.Resting Place lies in the centre of a circle of trees at the  boundary between formal gardens and the great forest. More
Long Way Home Long Way Home. Cold sunlight, leaves falling, crunchy underfoot. The last days of summer. North Devon, England. More
2007, Linda Gordon More
Linda Gordon, lwhouses nburrows floods More
2011, Linda Gordon More
2009, Linda Gordon More
"Line of lava" / "Where the lava meets the sea" "Line of lava" - red volcanic dust, Etna vulcan, Sicily -Italy  "Where the lava meets the sea" - white marble and black volcanic stone, Fiumefreddo, Sicily - Italy. More
"Floating flowers" FormaViva symposium, Slovenia, July 2013 More
2009, Pobornikova, Frame, Poland More
2005, Pobornikova, From The Sea, Bulgaria More
2006, Pobornikova, Tribute, Bulgaria More
2007, Pobornikova, Raindrops, Bulgaria More
Glacier Glacier_Glacier du Rhône, Gletsch, Switzerland_Summer 2023 More
2011, Lilian Cooper, Snails More
2011, Lilian Cooper, Worms More
2011, Lilian Cooper, heaven More