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ARTISTS-L/Linda Gordon


A strong theme in my current work is the movement of life: the eternal cycles of birth and death, all going on at the same time.


With work such as this ephemeral piece, Deadwood, I like to make subtle, unexpected changes to a place, which catch the eye and draw attention to the multitude of natural processes all around.


My aim is to work in alignment with nature, rather than to impose my personal desires upon it.


... after a week or two has passed...


... and the following week...

'ARTISTS-L > Linda Gordon' 카테고리의 다른 글

Ash Leaf Drop  (0) 2024.11.17
Autumn Woodland: the eternal movement of life.  (0) 2024.11.17
Catkin Flow  (0) 2024.11.17
Les Phonies Bergères  (0) 2024.11.17
Resting Place  (0) 2024.11.17