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Lili Pobornikova bio. Lili Pobornikova  Email.  lili_stress@yahoo.com Homepage.   http://www.sitekreator.com/lili_stress - High school of arts – 1993-98 - Natonal academy of arts – 1999-2008 - Member of Union of bulgarian artists - Since 2001 – participation in 68 international sculpture symposiums, events and competitions in 28 countries. - Sculpture award winner in Italy, USA, Germany, Spain, Switzerland - Sculptur.. More
Lilian Cooper bio. Lilian CooperEmail : lilian@liliancooper.com Homepage : http://www.liliancooper.com  I was born in Paris, France and I now live and work in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I am a drawing artist with a fascination for nature. I graduated with a first degree in Architecture followed by another in Fine Art from the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. As a result of my passion for landscape and how we respo.. More
Leonard Rachita bio Leonard Rachita                                                                                                                 67, Bd. Serurier                  75019 Paris                00 33(0)                00 33(0)                leonard.rachita@gmail.com  1952  born Buhusi, Romania1975 Fine Arts Academy, Bucharest, Romania, sculpture department 1983 lives in F.. More
Lena Yekta bio. Artist Statement I’m an architect and a strong believer in the ability of the art and research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies and having a positive effect on the world. Only together we can build a better future, therefore my communication and team-working skills. My biggest concern right now is the environment and conservation, and I use environmental art to expre.. More
Leli Hoch bio. Leli Hochhttp://www.lelihoch.co.zaLeli Hoch is a site-pecific land artist. She aims to see and express, with material found on site, what a certain place means, what it is trying to tell us. A land-artwork or nature-artwork, in her mind, gathers attention and highlights the relationship between a man-made intervention and the surrounding landscape. In South Africa her main focus in that is to em.. More
Lee Sunju Lee Sunju http://soonjong9.dothome.co.kr/home  TAEGU Catholic Universityof fine art M.A Fine Art TAMA Art University in Japan   23times solo Exibition  (Japan , Korea, U.S.A . Russia) 130timesInternational and group exihition(korea,Japan,U.S.A,Sweden,Poland,china,Australia,Russia) Geumgang Nature Art Biennale,nature art exibition, (1991-2004GongJu.korea) International open air exihibition(Hiki, .. More
방생(Release captive creatures) 2023-159회, 겨울, 공주 강변 백사장, 행위, 이종협, 방생(2022가을 워크숍 작업 재구성), (촬영-정장직) LEE Jonghyup, Gongju Riverside Beach, Release captive creatures (reconstruction of work at the 2022 Autumn Workshop), (photography by JUNG Jangjig), Winter, 2023-159th More
Lezli Rubin-Kunda Lezli Rubin-KundaEmail. LRUBINKUNDA@GMAIL.COMHomepage. http://www.lezlirubinkunda.com                    http://www.wix.com/rubinkunda/website-4  Lezli Rubin-Kunda, multidisciplinary artist, in the last 10 years has focused on site-specific, time-extended projects based in live action and performance., driven by need for connection through material action, to feel deeply ‘at home’ in the world. .. More