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ARTISTS-L/Lezli Rubin-Kunda

Lezli Rubin-Kunda

Lezli Rubin-Kunda

Homepage. http://www.lezlirubinkunda.com




Lezli Rubin-Kunda, multidisciplinary artist, in the last 10 years has focused on site-specific, time-extended projects based in live action and performance., driven by need for connection through material action, to feel deeply ‘at home’ in the world. The works occur over periods of time extending from 15 minutes to several months, in the context of residencies, festivals, symposiums and exhibitions and as a private initiative, in urban and natural settings, often revisiting places of personal or collective history. In the last several years, she has focused on site drawing and book-based works, in natural, urban as well as gallery settings.  Her performances videos have been shown at many venues.   Teaches at Architecture and City Planning department Technion University, Haifa, Israel.
Her international projects include: Realms of Knowing, Hart House, University of Toronto, Canada, Marking Space, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn New York, Marking Stones, Binaural Residency, Portugal, 2007; Sisters at Work, for Collision06, Interarts Festival, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 2006; Down to Earth, Ebent Performance Festival, Barcelona, 2003; Intimate Investigations, The Western Front  'Contemporary Ritual' series, and LIVE Festival,Vancouver 2003; 10 Mandalas Boreal Art/Nature Center residency  Quebec, Canada 2003; 18 Short Ceremonies, Grosse Glienke Military base, Potsdam, Germany .2000-1; Volume: compressed and Expanded, City Site, San Francisco Art Commission, San Francisco, California 1999.  In Israel works include–  Reading into the Landscape, Mamuta Art Centre, Jerusalem, Topographical Readings, Ticho House, Israel Museum, Jerusalem 2007 Nightshift, Blurrr International Performance Biennial 'Kibbutz Nachshon,; Jerusalem (2002-4) Backyard with Olive Grove, Savion; and siter works for Heara 4,5,and 7, multi-media site events, around Jerusalem 2001, 2004, 2005



'ARTISTS-L > Lezli Rubin-Kunda' 카테고리의 다른 글

River mandala  (0) 2024.11.08
2006, Sisters  (0) 2024.11.08
2011, Sabras  (0) 2024.11.08
Mandala 2003  (0) 2024.11.08
2011, Lezli Rubin-Kunda  (0) 2024.11.08