I n v i t a t i o n
YATOO – a Korean Nature Artists’ Association which was founded in 1981, started working with Nature equipped with nothing but empty hands and wide open minds and seeking direct inspirations from Nature. With this attitude, ideas reveal itself easily that enables them to create impromptu Nature artworks on the spot. The discovery and the possibility of Nature Art* elated them that they continually practice it on a regular basis until today. Since 1989, in an effort to develop and expand the concept of Nature art, YATOO organized exhibitions and artists exchange programs like the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale and the YATOO International Residence Program, and invited international and local artists who actively work directly with Nature that encourages healthy discourses and sharing of ideas and methodologies.
YATOO International Project (YATOO-i), is a newly-organized project and is based on the idea that the Nature we live in is seamlessly connected regardless of the human-designated borderlines.
YATOO-i is not bound with a limited space, but, it covers the entire parameters of Nature – mountains, fields, streams, rivers, seas and everything that is found in nature – living and non-living like plants, trees, insects, soil, rocks etc, as well as the intangible elements like the wind, sound, light, shadows and so on.
Here, the artist enters Nature letting go of any ideas how to make art and just fully immerse himself and make a silent dialogue with it. It is Nature itself, in a sense, provides direction to the artist how it is to be engage actively in a particular artwork. With this, Nature is not only utilized as a place or site for erecting artworks or just using it as just mere materials, but, Nature itself becomes an artwork or an integral part of an artwork.
YATOO-i project is like a musical orchestra wherein each member plays an instrument individually that creates a unified music together. Similarly, each artist of YATOO-i makes his artwork in his chosen spot in Nature, in their respective countries, using his personal methodologies, that, when all the artworks combined and put together online or in a gallery becomes a bigger whole – the YATOO-i Project.
Everything comes from the Creator and we believe and accept that Nature Art is a present given from Him. YATOO-i Project is a nature art movement that encourages nature artists with similar passionate interests in creating artworks and awareness in making a peaceful and harmonious coexistence of human beings, Nature and Art possible and guided by a humble attitude and appreciation towards Nature. YATOO encourages active participation from nature artists worldwide.
*Nature Art – in this concept, Nature is not just utilized as a place or used as mere materials for erecting and making artworks, but, Nature plays an active participation in becoming an active component of an artwork. Nature itself becomes the artwork. YATOO's works are expressed by simple installations or performances interacting with Nature and doesn't leave artworks behind.
About the YATOO International Project
1. YATOO-i project is basically a web-based project. Meaning, artists of any nationality who agrees and shares the same spirit of YATOO's Nature Art concept can become members and participate in its projects wherein they can upload and update the photos of nature artworks they do in their respective countries on the YATOO-i website.
2. Previously done Nature artworks from all over the world, if they are in the same method and spirit of YATOO-i, will also be shown in the project's website.
3.YATOO-i conducts four regular nature art workshops in a year scheduled alongside with the Korean Four Season YATOO workshop. The photos of the artworks are then exhibited and uploaded in the project’s website alongside the artworks of other foreign artist members.
4.Yatoo-i will continually update its members about the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale, the YATOO International Residency Program and all information about Nature Art exhibitions, symposia and Residency Program opportunities as published on the project's website www.yatooi.com.
5.YATOO-i Projects' artworks are copyrighted by both the artist and YATOO-i. YATOO-i has the right to exhibit, publish and use the artworks for the YATOO-i website and its projects.
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