For a new interaction with the nature
Jeon, Won-gil
I. Nature and Human
The current human civilization in which the convenient and pleasant lifestyle can only be maintained through the process of destroying the nature is unlikely to guarantee a promising future. The grave environmental degradation that led to global warming is an issue that the human race across the world face, regardless of region, culture, race or nation.
Pondering on the meaning nature art has on human race that is faced with crisis due to natural environment destruction is a due process in setting the future direction of a new movement that reflects the spirit of this era.
Group Yatoo that led Geumgang Nature Art Biennale has not focused on environmental problem as its main theme. However, the nature art movement, which defined a unique artistic relationship with the nature, certainly has made a significant proposal on the relationship between nature and human.
Through this article I have looked into the concept of 'natural characteristics of men' based on the fact that creativeness that serves as the fundamental engine for artistic activity reflects the order of nature. In addition, critical opinion regarding which aspects Korea's nature art movement that pursued direct interaction with the nature must focus on in order to form a meaningful artistic discussion based on the past achievements.
II. Nature Art as a State of Art
Beneath the nature of man lies the capability to interact with the nature. Communication with the nature will be impossible without that capability. People often feel the power of life in the creative expression of artists. This is because the natural characteristic of men expressed through artistic process is powerfully working within the art, although the artwork itself does not take an actual form of life.
Nature does not move with a certain intention but always maintains a state that is neither too much nor too little. Nature also exists in a complete state even if you look at a partial aspect of it. Thus, nature retains independence from aesthetic judgment. Looking at a partial aspect of trees that enables the dynamic changes and profound depth of forest, you don't feel anything missing or awkward. This is because a creation principle different from the artificial attempt of men lies in nature.
You could also see the independent completeness similar to a natural state through the result of creative activities of men. There are times when an artist starts the creation process but finds that the completion of his work is governed by something that he/she cannot intervene. An artwork created through this process evokes an inspiration similar to one from the nature that acts by itself.
The similarity between the order of nature and the creativeness that leads an artist's work prompts us to think of the possibility of communication between men and nature. The order of nature and the creative force within men can be rephrased as “natural characteristics of nature,” and “natural characteristics of men.”
A new form of art called nature art newly unveils the creative mind shared by brilliant artist from east and west. While the nature indirectly participated in the creation process in conventional art, art maintains a direct and lasting relationship with nature during and even after the creation process. In nature art, art not simply occupy a natural space but move in the quest of the point where nature and artistic intention of men strike a balance. Therefore, creation in nature art is completed with nature and interacts with nature even after the creation process. I have described as below of a kind of `artistic state' that rises in the point where the natural characteristic of nature created through entrusting each other and the creation intention of human meet.
Nature art interacts not only with the trees and grasses of nature but also with light, wind, sound and color that create the background of natural ecosystem interaction as well as all nature engraved in natural phenomenon. Nature engages with works of art in different ways based on the approach of human. In order to work with nature, you need a different approach from working indoors. That is, it is different from conventional painting creation process based on the technical, sensual handcraft skills of the artist. It is also different from outdoor installations where conceptual achievement is realized by forcing artificial structure in outdoor spaces. Nature art does not consider nature as a mere subject or material nor does it define and interpret nature.
The idea arising from tree, shadow, grass, stone and wave in the actual natural space creates a connection route between nature and me. This state (or method) of connection enters the domain of art. That is, the thinking of nature and human makes visual and conceptual combination and becomes the `state of art' between nature and men. This status of combination takes quite a different approach from one shown when an artist work with nature in conventional painting and sculpture or when installation is made with natural materials. In this case, one does not entirely dominate the other or the two combines to create a totally different thing with their respective characteristics disappearing. Rather, it is like sponge retaining water in itself. They exist as one but never erode the characteristics of each other.
The remarkable aspect of nature art is that it is created through an interlocking structure between nature and human action where one renews the other without distinction of principal and auxiliary. This suggests possibility of escaping trap of falsehood artists get mired into by making unilateral interpretation of nature through his/her artistic intention. Furthermore, the significance of art can be maximized by connecting it to the infinite world beyond the limitations of men. In addition, we will be able to understand in an artistic way how the relationship between men and nature should be through nature art.
I do not assume that nature art that strives artistic balance between man and nature would have a direct influence on humans' changing their attitude to life. However, considering that artists were the first to react to changes through human history, nature art is shown to us as a guide on how nature and human can mutually thrive.
II Nature Art You Also Want to Try
As with other art movements, nature art did not arise out of nowhere. Linkage can be found with modern art where actual material and object was considered beyond the twp-dimensional aspect and landscape art where artists worked among nature, the actual place of landscape painting. In addition, nature art certainly was inspired by conceptual expression method that uses medium including process, action and photograph.
However, one should be reminded that nature artists of the group Yatoo established in 1981 and worked together ever since did not encounter nature under the complex theory of modern art as its precondition. If they had treated nature with its self-identifying question of, “What is nature?” like their contemporary modern artists, they would have remained at adopting art for art. However, by embracing nature within their work, nature artists wanted to interact with nature through the natural characteristics of man that circle between nature and men. At last, they experienced, “nature art,” where `natural characteristic of nature' and `natural characteristic of human' meet in a format called art but interacts with each other without tilting to one side.
On the contrary, many artists that work in nature create an `Art in nature' where their work is forced into nature rather than achieving `nature art.' Artworks that merely uses natural object without creating an appropriate “relationship” with nature are simple installations of natural objects. Nature and art do not actually interact in this case nor does it have profound communication between nature and human conscience. In other words, the aesthetic value of nature art is realized only when nature and men secure a communication channel through careful thinking to create a relationship with nature. Careful thinking in this context is different from unilateral spiritual interaction of men who controls nature and seeks convenience of life and is emanated between nature and human.
Through their work, nature artists reinstates the original way of life before human civilization by reflecting the lifestyle of ancient human that built houses in nature and sustained life using tools made with natural state or with natural phenomenon. Therefore, nature art reminds one of the forgotten aesthetic sentiments by evoking the original way of life still engraved in a part of a modern man's mind.
Nature art provokes inspiration of viewers and make them think, “I want to try, too.” Such phenomenon shows that interaction the artist had with nature is also taking place with views and that nature art has the possibility to bring about changes in human attitude to recover a new relationship with nature.
IV. Questions to Clarify the Aesthetic of Nature Art
Recently, various art festivals similar to nature art are being held around the country and more artists are working in nature. However, these events are more of a fad that an art movement. However, we need to give such trend a thought rather than dismissing them as a passing fad that simply follows the latest style. This is because the inundation of nature art festivals with ambiguous intentions might dilute the unique characteristics of nature art when its artistic territory has not even been secured yet.
One of the reasons the nature art movement led by Yatoo failed to assert a powerful strength was the climate of the art circles that disregards regional art movement. However, the blame cannot all be turned to external factors. A bigger reason would be passive way of working of artists who engage in nature art. In other words, work that remains at sculptural imagination that uses natural object does not correctly capture the true nature of nature art. And vague works created based on blind affinity to nature will not have the power to move people visually and spiritually. Furthermore, works that appeal to visual sentiment using natural objects or searching for artistic meanings in the context of imitation regresses nature art to the realm of conventional aesthetics. A new form of art called nature art is unable to clarify its aesthetic perspective because the nature art circle is being created with no distinction with the works described above.
Now is the time to analyze past achievements and envision future direction of Geumgang Nature Art Biennale. In-depth discussion around some of the confusing issues regarding nature art is called for. Should nature art fail to identify its aesthetic characteristic, Korea's nature art would be unable to play as the center of worldwide nature art movement.
We are aware that taking a step to open a new art world is far from easy. We are also aware that making strides to open a new territory of art is equivalent to the mission of creation to artists. I would like to share the following questions with myself and other fellow nature artists to propose strife for creation.
Is nature art merely about using natural objects (and nature)?
This question is regarding how independent the aesthetic territory of nature art is from other forms of art and what they share in common. This is also a question whether anything that makes sense conceptually is qualified as art. Furthermore, it is a question of whether the method of nature art can also be spread to indoor works including painting, photograph and (video) image. It would be a great misfortune if Yatoo that led Korea's nature art movement to fail to evolve from past accomplishments, remains still or retreat to art practice of the past.
V. A New Relationship between Nature and Human: Interaction
Nature is now resisting to men's indiscriminate tyranny. Unless humans revise their attitudes and make true reconciliation with the nature, the disaster of mankind could come faster than we expected. Although it is silent, nature sensitively reacts to human activity and alters our survival environment.
I have clearly stated that we could create a new relationship with nature through the natural characteristic innate in every human. By encountering with nature in a new way and striking a flexible balance with nature through the natural characteristic inherent in both nature and men, nature art could be one way to enable interaction between nature and men. Now is the time for nature art to translate the method of co-existence of nature and men and fulfill its creative mission to write a new chapter in art history.
As men living today's world where individual way of life is highly respected, we might be lost with coherence with life and wandering without any yardstick to judge the true value of life. In order to recover the coherence of life and universal value, we need to revisit the precondition of living alongside the nature. We need to enter the extremely private area and rescue the withered art. I also hope that works of nature art that richly expresses the existence of nature and men supplied abundant inspiration and energy to the new spirit of building a new future.
Since the emergence of mankind, nature has led history of all civilization but still know no insufficiency. Now is the time for we humans to find the rightful place given by God through artistic interaction with the mystic nature still unknown to us after endless philosophical and scientific verification.
To the Nature With Body by Wongil Jeon. Yatoo Publishing Company, 2005. P97
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