Michael Rofka
Email. http://m.rofka@gmx.de
Homepage. http://www.europeanatelier-michaelrofka.de
1986 – 1990 studies biochemistry at the university Hannover
1992 – 1996 studies at the Kunstseminar Metzingen, free academy
since 2006 member natur school / Konstanz/Germany(naturschule-region-bodensee.de)
since 2009 free lecturer `Leipziger Akademie für Kreativitätspädagogik´(krea-akademie.de)
2008 internat. Price of art „Rheinblicke-Einblicke“ Schlosspark Cologne-Stammheim (3.place)
2008 international symposium of sculpture (stone) Val d´Arzino/ Italy
2008 „moved wind“ exhibition and prize of art rural district Waldeck-Frankenberg
2009 art figura , Exhibition Schwarzenberg / Erzgebirge, contemp. woodsculptures
2010 competition of sculpturing in wood Rheda – Wiedenbrück
2010 art object symposium Penza/ Russia
2010 „moved wind“ exhibition and prize of art rural district Waldeck-Frankenberg
2011 art figura , Exhibition Schwarzenberg / Erzgebirge, contemp. wood sculptures
2012 int. sculpture symposium Syktyvkar / Russia
2013 Chenglong wetlands intern. environmental artproject / Taiwan (landart)
2013 int. wood sculpture symposium and competition „Kingsland“Romania
2013 art figura , Exhibition Schwarzenberg / Erzgebirge, contemp. wood sculptures
2013 int. stone sculpture symposium. Alanya/ Turkey (with Anna Rofka)
2014 The 8th Annual Cessco snow-sculpture symposium/ Edmonton/ Alberta Canada (with Anna)
2014 personal exhibition „Water tower“ Stromeyersdorf/Constance (with Anna)
2014 Sculpture meeting Allensbach/ Lake of Constance (with Anna)
2014 personal exhibition „Alte Kirche“ Volkertshausen/Germany (with Anna)
2014 „moved wind“ exhibition and prize of art Kassel/ Germany (with Anna)
2014 German-polish sculpture symposium Schoeneiche near Berlin (with Anna)
2014 Participation “Human-nature” Exhibition St. Andreasberg/ Harz/ Germany
2014 Participation Exhibition and contest LaSalita, Asturias/ Spain
2014 Exhibition of regional artists, municipal Gallery of Tuttlingen/ Germany
2015 International Marine Environment Art Project in Keelung, Taiwan with Anna Rofka
2015 International wood stone sculpture symposium Ahrntal/ Italy
2015 International stone sculpture symposium Craiova /Romania with Anna Rofka
2015 International exhibition Sanyi wood sculpture museum Taiwan
2015 Exhibition of regional artists, municipal Gallery of Tuttlingen/ Germany
2016 International snow sculpture festival Klausberg/ Southtirol/Iitaly with Anna Rofka
2016 International artists sympoium Grafenhausen/Black forest (with Anna)
2016 International exhibition and award "Moved wind" Hessen/Germany 2. Price (with Anna)
2017 internationales Kunstprojekt „artur017“ 2017 (with Anna) Svitzerland/Austria
2017 Rhine Prize 2017 (with Anna) Germany-Bonn
'ARTISTS-M > Michael Rofka' 카테고리의 다른 글
House of the sea/ walk in sculpture / bamboo driftwood Anna and Michael Rofka Environmental arrt project Keelung/ Taiwan 2016 L 8 m (0) | 2024.11.22 |
Pebbles (0) | 2024.11.22 |
Anna and Michael Rofka-Platanusorientalis, Alanya, Turkey 2013 (0) | 2024.11.22 |
Michael Rofka-Milkfish,Chenglong, Taiwan 2013 (0) | 2024.11.22 |
Michael Rofka-sandfield, Priceand exhibition Moved wind, Germany 2008 (0) | 2024.11.22 |