ARTISTS-M/Michael Rofka Pebbles Yatoo-i 2024. 11. 22. 14:42 공유하기 게시글 관리 YATOO-i 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 'ARTISTS-M > Michael Rofka' 카테고리의 다른 글 Way of listening, Michael and Anna Rofka, "Moved wind" 2014 Kassel Germany, an installation to hear and listen the wind (0) 2024.11.22 House of the sea/ walk in sculpture / bamboo driftwood Anna and Michael Rofka Environmental arrt project Keelung/ Taiwan 2016 L 8 m (0) 2024.11.22 Anna and Michael Rofka-Platanusorientalis, Alanya, Turkey 2013 (0) 2024.11.22 Michael Rofka-Milkfish,Chenglong, Taiwan 2013 (0) 2024.11.22 Michael Rofka-sandfield, Priceand exhibition Moved wind, Germany 2008 (0) 2024.11.22 'ARTISTS-M/Michael Rofka' Related Articles Way of listening, Michael and Anna Rofka, "Moved wind" 2014 Kassel Germany, an installation to hear and listen the wind House of the sea/ walk in sculpture / bamboo driftwood Anna and Michael Rofka Environmental arrt project Keelung/ Taiwan 2016 L 8 m Anna and Michael Rofka-Platanusorientalis, Alanya, Turkey 2013 Michael Rofka-Milkfish,Chenglong, Taiwan 2013