1,000 of needle ; The Space 18, Korea, 2008

천개의 바늘, 1,000 of needle ; The Space 18
cotton threads, hot glue, 1,000 of needle, 2008

전시장 입구 천정이 유리로 된 공간에
무명실이 머리 위까지 늘어뜨려져 있고,
그 끝에는 바늘이 있다.
이슬비처럼 영롱하고 아름다우나
아프로 섬뜩한 느낌도 동시에 있다.
이곳과 저곳이 통하기 위해 반드시 치러야 하는 아픔처럼...
At the entrance of the gallery,
cotton threads are hung down from the glass ceiling
over the heads of the audience.
Needles are dangling at the end of each thread.
They are beautiful and glisten like a misty rain
but it has feeling of pain and fearfulness at the same time.
It is similar to the pain which is inevitable to be experienced
When some place is to be connected with other place.

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