ALL 썸네일형 리스트형 2012, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON, STANDING OUT, GHANA Standing Out, 2012Stand out in all you do.This installation is not asking us to put on a show and make it obvious for everyone to see that we also exist. Instead, it is saying our appearance in situations should be well thought out such that it becomes obvious in the amount of thought involved. What does standing out looks like? Anticipate the needs of others, have empathy, tolerate individual d.. More 2012, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON, EXTENSIONS, GHANA Extensions, 2012 Walk with hope; dream that you will leave this world better than when you found it.When the nail of a person is removed, another one miraculously grows. In life when a door closes, it is a sign that a better door is about to be opened. Like the teeth, nails have extensions that we do not see. We only get to see a growth of that extension only when an old nail is removed. B.. More 2012, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON, PAINTING ON WATER, CAPE COAST, GHANA Painting on Water, 2012Life is full of images; it is how you frame them that makes life aesthetically beautiful.Life like water bodies is full of reflections. How we frame the boundaries of the images we see determines our reactions and outcome. The next time you see a reflection of an idea in your mind consider framing it with the best attractive frame you can find that will draw people to it. .. More 2012, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON,FOOTPRINTS , CAPE COAST, GHANA Footprints, 2012Memories are like foot prints in the sand. You can never tell who created them but you can definitely find one that fits your foot.Foot prints in the sand comes in all shapes and sizes. They can provide a range of questions worth reflecting on( who created them, at what time, was the person wearing shoes or bare footed, what kind of shoes, would I still find these same footprint .. More 2011, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON, SLIPPER PACK STAND, CHAPTER 1 More 2011, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON, SLIPPER PACK STAND, CHAPTER 2 (The Nearby Market) More 2011, PATRICK TAGOE-TURKSON,THE PACK STAND, CHAPTER 3 (The Nearby Market) More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2011, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Ghana More 2012, bonggi park, breath, gapyung korea More 2011, bonggi park, breath, guandu taiwan More 2006, bonggi park, breath, gapyung korea More 2010, bonggi park, breath, gapyung korea More 2008, Open5 group, Patchwork, Isfahan-Iran More 2010, Open5 group, Fireworks, Uremia Lake-Iran More 2010, Open5 group, Seventy Thousands Curtains,Hormuz Island-Iran More Preview 1 ··· 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ··· 114 Next