ALL 썸네일형 리스트형 Big Cedar Lake_Summer 2024_Town of West Bend, Wisconsin, USA Big Cedar Lake_Summer 2024_Town of West Bend, Wisconsin, USA More INSPIRATION_Venaria Reale, Italy_Spring 2024 "> INSPIRATION_Venaria Reale, Italy_Spring 2024 More Intertwining_Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 Intertwining_Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 More Phase One_in the Pamet estuary, Truro, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 Phase One_in the Pamet estuary, Truro, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 More Centered_in the Pamet estuary, Truro, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 Centered_in the Pamet estuary, Truro, Massachusetts, USA_Summer 2023 More Roy Staab_ARROW_Wisconsin, USA_Winter 2023 Roy Staab_ARROW_Wisconsin, USA_Winter 2023 More THE PERFECT CIRCLE IN THE FIELD_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 "> THE PERFECT CIRCLE IN THE FIELD_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 More PENDULUM IN THE FIELD_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 "> PENDULUM IN THE FIELD_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 More AROUND THE LADIES_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 "> AROUND THE LADIES_Wagner's Field, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 More ARCHES ALONG THE PATH_Mary's Prairie, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 "> ARCHES ALONG THE PATH_Mary's Prairie, Big Cedar Lake, West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 More Here is the Place_Miller’s Field town of West Bend Wisconsin_2022 Here is the Place_Miller’s Field town of West Bend Wisconsin_2022 More Fan in Full Display_Gilbert Lake, Spring source, town of West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 Fan in Full Display_Gilbert Lake, Spring source, town of West Bend, Wisconsin_2022 More MAYFLY RING, June 16, 2022 More OBOK in America someone posted a group of sick in a C shape ..I prefer the enclosed circle. So I went to the beach of Lake Michigan and fond the driftwood sticks that have no bark on them and made the circle…November 26th in the late afternoon. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. More 2011 in New Orleans at artist residence More My Mont St. Michel on the Mississippi River My Mont St. Michel on the Mississippi River from Roy Staab on Vimeo. More INFINITY after thinking what is necessary for the next work. When the wind and rain storm pushed over the previous work over to sit on the ground or float on the water surface in three days... I returned on Monday to see it that way. I re-considered what is important to me now and what is essential and the form that excites me most. Usually we add an element, but in this case I took the oval away and simplified. My underlining drawing of four circles w.. More PAMET TIDE TRACING a sculpture made for the site in Truro, Massachusetts wow! this was a difficult piece to make. for many years I strive to work in a simple way, with the least number of lines to to make my art. but when I returned to this place after 6 years the area is different, wider and more open. This is below Corn Hill, a tidal estuary on the bay side of Truro, on Cape Cod. I make these works when the tide is out and I use materials like I used before m.. More MEANDERING MOMENT faces the end of the earth on the tip of Cape Cod I am in the process of making MEANDERING MOMENT in a small bay area in the tidal basin of the Moors at the end of Provincetown, Cape Cod. I arrive of this site with the phragmites reeds that I gathered in Truro, the next town where they grow well and are relatively easy to pick. They are considered invasive so I must be careful not to spread them. I use the reeds that grew last year, dead dry.. More site installation OVAL suspended from three trees on an almost island in BLACK MEADOW stream I was asked to make a work here on the land near Warwick, New York. This is the countryside of an almost mountain area. There is a beautiful glen that the stream goes down and a flat area with four trees, one is about in the middle. I gathered the very invasive Buck Thorn and used it with wire to make the lines of the oval and the supports that were attached to the tree with nylon rope. A fe.. More Preview 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ··· 114 Next