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ARTISTS-T-Z/Tahereh Goudarzi

Play with fire 2

Playing with fire

In my Iranian culture fire is a symbol of light and purifying. To kindle a fire from my childhood has always been a joy until now and I have learnt that how I could control such a rebellious creature.
My body is placed in the middle of fire to be a sign of my searching for purity. 








'ARTISTS-T-Z > Tahereh Goudarzi' 카테고리의 다른 글

SABZEH  (0) 2024.12.03
Play with fire 3  (0) 2024.12.03
Play with fire 4  (0) 2024.12.03
Play with fire 1  (0) 2024.12.03
Tahereh Goudarzi (Tara) bio.  (0) 2024.10.11