Peter JM Schneider
Under the roof of fresh green leaves I stand in front of an old tree. One of its two stems has broken long time ago. From that time on the living stem has grown and built a cave around the wound. Black water is in that hole. A secret place for the birds to drink.
Focused to my inner self I get attached to the genius loci. Lines of energy become visible for me, fastening me to this tree with its miraculous cave in its stem. I start to have a look around for anything that wants to be added to this place, to create an expression of the Great Whole. No one will see what I am doing, not even the results. In the end a photo under worst conditions, a bad compromise. I discover the petals of Digitalis Purpurea not far from here. Almost withered they drop from their stalks. I collect them form the floor and assemble them to the shape of a tail. It finds its place in the cave like a thin rosy penis in a deep dark vulva. The setting sun sends her soft light onto it. A short moment to take a photo. Documenting the art piece I find distance to the process of creation. In a month or two I will go through the slides and remember the moment in the wood. Maybe I get the feeling that somewhat of the energy of that moment remains visible. Then I will keep it.
Peter JM Schneider was born in 1958 in München (Germany). Since many years he lives and works in the Netherlands. After his studies of educational science for primary schools with emphasis on art education he underwent a training to become a speech and language therapist. He is one of the artists of the producers gallery “Artikel 5”, Aachen (G). Landart and site specific art, but also installations, performances, objects and photography in different European countries. For more information see
ARTISTS-P/Peter JM Schneider