Marcin Jabłoński
higher education Academy of Agriculture in Lublin Poland
degree Master floristics
MMFP -3rd place (MMFP Polish International Florist Championship)
Interests: floristic, land art, nature art, climbing, photography
Publications Stichting kunstboek "international floral art 2010/11", 2012/13 and more
Participation Land art Girona Temps de Flors - Spain
Participation Eco landart in Nida - Lithuania
Participation SkulpTOUR im Rundhof Messe MUBA Basel Switzerland
Participation 2nd Land art Festiwal Józefów Poland
Participation Land art Festival Kaunas Lithuania
Participation 1st International Land art Festival Lubartów-Kozłówka Poland
Installations and scenography „Golgotha young people” Serpelice n/Bug Poland
Instalations and scenography "Transitus-flowers saint Francisco",Monastery of
father of Capuchin in Lubartów
Co-author of exhibition „Brush and nature” Regional museum In Lubartów Poland
It cooperates with Museum Zamoyskich in Kozłówka Poland
Idea, founder and organizer of the festival land art Lubartów-Kozłówka
'ARTISTS-M > Marcin Jabłoński' 카테고리의 다른 글
"the drop" 2010 Marcin Jabłoński , Eco Landart Palanga ,Lithuania (0) | 2024.11.21 |
on the shore Lubartów Poland 2010 (0) | 2024.11.21 |
the solidago ring Lubartów area Poland 2008 (0) | 2024.11.21 |
the source Lubartów Poland 2009 (0) | 2024.11.21 |
the pain Lubartów area Poland 2008 (0) | 2024.11.21 |