Living fossil
65x53x1150 Material vegetable, wood and yute
Under our feet in relationship.
The work, is located in one of the terraces that served to agriculture, in the surface this footprint.
Nicodrilus tetramammatis is a local endemic earthworm, located in sorroundings the river Buñol which along with other species vulnerable as Lumbricus castaneus in area the Andilla and river Buñol.
It has contributed to the vitality of the soil fertility and human food: aeration-breathing to humidity and collaborates with animal biomass.
Consequences: insecticides, fire and high temperatures.
Source Information: Earthworms of Valencia. Authors: Antonio Perez Babío Onteniente & Celso Rodríguez, Valencia Generalitat Edition 2008. Advances in earthworm taxonomy. Ed Complutense, Madrid 2004.
Imaginary cells
95x155x520 Materia vegetable, wood and yute
Imaginative cells or a trip without return?
I say that imaginative cells would do emerge the butterfly a world of worm appearance”. Mario Benedetti 1920-2009 Uruguay, writer and poet.
The imaginary cells are the ingredient process butterfly-caterpilla theyr are different to other cells that want to eliminate imaginary that they reproduce fast to free the butterfly
Crisis -Transformation (conocimiento-creativity) Economy - Poverty (marginality-territorialization-desterritorialization) Politics
Information: I and you, Martin Buber,1878 Austria- Israel1965. The tree ecologies, Felix Guattari ,1989 Paris 1930-1992 and La philosophie est essentiell á l´existence humaine, 2002.
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