Jahanbakhsh Amirbeygi
Artist Statement
I am a visual artist and sculptor. I have started my professional career since 2010 and have been involved in various artistic fields including hand painting and painting, sculpture, environmental art and ceramic layouts. One of the most important issues I always want to deal with is the environment and the way humans interact with it. I always pay special attention to this subject in the works that I create in different media and I see man interacting with nature, not against it...
Visual artist
2017, B.A. Sculpture, faculty of fine Art, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
membership in the Contemporary Visual Arts Development Institute, Iran
membership of the Pottery and Ceramic Art Association , Iran
2013, Participate in the first ceramic festival of Lalejin (World Pottery City)
2014, Charitable Arts Expo of the “Dastane Garme Mehrvarzi” social Institute
2014, Ancient sculpture contest at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University
2014, Plaster carving contest at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University
2015, The 2th annual postcard print exchange, Lale gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2015, Printmaking Expo in Embassy of Ivory Coast
2015, Painting Exhibition of Selected Works of hamedanian Artists, hamedan, Iran
2015, Group Painting Exhibition in Maryam gallery ,Tehran , Iran
2016, Seventh printmaking of Chav studio in Oslo, Chicago, Milan
2016, The 6th Biennial of Damon Far Gallery
2016, Second Biennial of Hamadan Painting, Professor Zanganeh Gallery, Hamadan, Iran.
2017, Painting Exhibition of Saba Cultural and Art Institute
2017, The 4th annual postcard print exchange, Lale gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2017, Painting Exhibition of Iranian Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2017, Painting Exhibition of Laleh Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2017, The 2th exhibition of sculpture student by association of Iranian sculptors, Iranian artist forum, Tehran, Iran.
2018, The 5th annual postcard print exchange, Lale gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2018, The First Creative Design Contest with Unused Objects, Faculity of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.
2018, Painting Exhibition of Professor Zanganeh Gallery.
2018, Group Exhibition of Design in the College of Fine Arts of Tehran University.
2018, Installation of the 3th National Visual Arts Festival ,Iran MS society.
2018, Installation in Aknoon gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2018, Painting Exhibition in Sherwah Gallery , Tehran, Iran.
2019, Painting Exhibition of Laleh Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2019, Eleventh Fajr Visual Arts Festival in sculpture, Tehran, Iran.
2019, ‘After the dehydration’ Environmental art project, Hamadan, Iran
2019, ‘LIKE WATER’ land art project, Hamadan , Iran
2019, ‘Burned tree’ restoration art project, Hamadan, Iran
2019, The 6th annual postcard print exchange, Lale gallery, Tehran, Iran.
2019, The 3th exhibition of sculpture student by association of Iranian sculptors, Iranian artist forum , Tehran, Iran.
2019, The 2th Contemporary Iranian Elites Symposium
2014, 3th rank of Ancient Sculpture Contest at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University
2014, 3th rank of Plaster Relief contest at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University
2016, 2th rank of the 12th Hamadan Visual Arts Festival
2016, Honored in the Second Biennial of Hamadan Painting, Professor Zanganeh Gallery.
2017, 2th rank of the 12th Hamadan Visual Arts Festival
2014, Group Workshop of Applied Arts and Sciences University of Hamadan
2015, Painting workshop in the field of art titled Ten weeks ten painter for 5 days
2014, Implementing the Relief in the Hamadan War Museum.
2017, Design and execution of the prominent in subway of Tehran.
Design and implementation of a prominent in more than 100 private, commercial and government locations
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