Art and creativity is a special precious gift to humanity, but much anxiety comes with it. It may be a great joy or a great bitterness to the one who decides to be an artist; he or she may be filled with the Spirit of bliss, or possessed with the spirit of gloom. In all cases, nature gives us one receipt for the curing of all the ills, "Look at the spirit within, does your art bring you fulfillment on the outside? O for more agonizing practice and experiments for the love of art, the creative ability is still young! Destructive criticism is there; let the spirit begin to attack it. Our cries for contribution to nature and the creative world should precede those cries which betoken the actual advent of our art into a world of criticism. In the days of nurturing, we shall see sad tokens of that dumb and deaf spirit which will neither appreciate, nor hear the voice of our creative spirit in the soul, but enthusiasm still questions, "Does my art within brings fulfillment on the outside." When our creative sensitivities are matured and experienced, our art my still wallow in criticism and foam with enmity against some audience; then when our hearts are breaking we should remember the silent question from the inside, "Does my art within brings fulfillment on the outside." “Never must we cease to listen to the voice within until our art cease to breathe. No case is hopeless while we are still alive.
Nature sometimes suffers artists to be driven into a corner that they may experimentally know how important they mean to her. Rejection and dislike for our creative abilities show us our own powerlessness against the depravity of the hearts of humankind. This drives us to flee to the inside for strength, and this is a great blessing to us as creative people. No matter how our emotional needs may be, let it be like the strong current which drives us to the spirit within which first spoke to us. The answer can remove our sorrow and comfort us while he waits to lead us though this adventurous road of creativity.
Emotional Seasons: Performance by Patrick Tagoe.Turkson. Last Hour Beach,
Takoradi. Ghana. 2009
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