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ARTISTS-C/Cornelia Konrads

Cornelia Konrads bio.

Cornelia Konrads



All my works are deeply connected with the place where i build them. For me the site is not just a background, it's  a texture, and my goal is, that the work becomes part of this texture: merging with it's surrounding it's not sure, if the element I've added has always been there, if it will change or disappear in the next second. I like put in question what is supposed to be "certain": the laws of gravity, the solidity of walls, the ground under the feet... What do we really know about the world, about nature? I intend to provoke this question by a moment of irritation, a little "shock“ or, as a viewer once expressed it: by the "moment of catastrophe" in my work, mixed with a certain pinch of humour.


Preferably I take off without any predefined plan. Starting point is always: Walking.

Meandering in an unknown area  brings me into a close dialogue with it, reflecting about the landscape, vegetation, architecture and traces of history. During those walks I use to collect what lies on the edge of my path: materials, local habits and occurrences. I'm looking for the stories and memories of a place as well as for its shapes, smells and sounds - untill I come to a spot where all this impressions condensate to an image, an idea for a work.

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