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ARTISTS-B/Buse Mutan

Buse Mutan bio.

Buse Mutan


She was born on March 11 th , 1982 in Izmir. She graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts

Education in 2018. The same year, she started studying for a Master’s degree in Sculpture at Dokuz Eylul University, Graduate School of Fine

Arts. She took part in many group exhibitions and symposiums in Izmir, Cappadocia, Ankara, Gaziantep and Bulgaria.


She has been carrying out her works in the field of nature art as a member of Patika Art Group since 2005. Thanks to the many events and

projects realized as Patika Art Group, her interest and experience in nature art has gradually increased. She was highly influenced by artists’ creating work with their nomadic identities, almost leaving no trace in nature that does not have any borders of its own, thus directly connecting with nature. The artist, still working in this field, lives and produces in Izmir.


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Untitled  (0) 2024.10.13