Andi Ramdani
Facebook. Andi Ramdani Bamboo
I was born 1979 in Tasikmalaya, west Java. Since childhood I had a fascination with bamboo objects to make traditional games. I am interested in bamboo objects as easily grow anywhere, easy to be processed made artwork. I then lived and worked in Yogyakarta and become part of the group QPlus and Perahu Art Connection (PAC) that many projects help art bamboo. My first art project that makes dinosaurs for the first solo exhibition "BambooIsME" at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (2010). The following year, Make another dinosaur with a very large size 18meters to exhibit the same single "BambooISme # 2" SEVEN CONTINENTS in Toronto, Canada (2011). Then art project "Kingkong And Godzilla" in Ecopark Ancol, Jakarta (2011). "The Fast Sound" at the Sepang Circuit, Malaysia and "VW Bamboo" at the Museum of Transport, PARK East Java, Malang. "Seven Horse Bamboo" in Maps Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2013). For art activities in nature and friends group QPlus and Perahu Art Connection (PAC) often make minor event in which release 500 wild birds that we buy from merchants in the bird market, "Heart Project" in Ancient Volcano , Nglanggeran, Wonosari, Yogyakarta (2012). Then the show to plant 200 trees on the slopes of Merapi, after the great eruption of Mount Merapi, which followed the exhibition "Tribute to Earth" in Perahu Art Connection, Yogyakrta (2012).