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2021 YATOO International Project Winter Season 'Timbuseng Rainy Art Project'

Timbuseng Rainy Art Project 

“The Leaves is sustainable action”


Period: ~December 2020 ~ February 2021

Participants: Angraini Herman, Andi Enni, Alsyazani, Zacky Magello, Hafiz, Reztu,

Abdu SaNassa, Yudhi, Subur Jabir, Zaenal Beta, Firman Djamil

Organized by: Timbuseng Art Space.


Falling leaves are not a sign of something ending. Falling leaves are actually a sign of sustainability.

Leaves will perform miracles in unraveling its dimensions. Leaves of green, yellow, brown, and so on blackened down the passage of time to continue life.