YATOO International Project
Summer Season Workshop 2019
2019 7.1 - 8.31
Nature has no border-we connect through Nature Art
Adri de Fluiter
Asiyeh Mohamadian
Janet Botes
Kaiqin Zhang
Karim allahkhani
Fred Martin
Imke Rust
Leli Hock
Leonardo Rachita
Lynn Bennett- Mackenzie
Patrick Tagoe-Turkson
rudi hudefaenger
Rumen Dimitrov
Strijdom van der Merwe
Ursula Pahnke-Felder
Waltraud Munz-Heiliger
권오열 Kwon Oyeol
김순임 Kim Soonim
이응우 Ri Eungwoo
전원길 Jeon Wongil
최예문 Choi Yemoon
Group Green Guerrilla - Korea
Adri de Fluiter
Asiyeh Mohamadian
The nature of God in every form and content is reviving and being perfect. The depth of our look and the precision of our imagination leads to an understanding of the reality of life and the life of the universe. And passing through the creatures whose only sin is not humanity, is an obvious and unforgettable injustice. Creatures that surprisingly find the way and the right path to perfection even better than humans and put themselves in a position for the growth and development of others.
Janet Botes
I was privileged to be one of the artists for the 2019 Tankwa Artscape Residency, held Friday 24 May to Monday 3 June 2019.
The residency, my creative process, the sites, the landscape, the sunsets, sunrises,
and the interactions with my fellow artists all-together create one of the most sacred experiences of my life up to now.
Kaiqin Zhang
Karim allahkhani
Fred Martin
Imke Rust
Leli Hock
Leonardo Rachita
Lynn Bennett- Mackenzie <Sand socks>
Patrick Tagoe-Turkson
June, 2019. Last Hour Beach, Takoradi, Ghana
rudi hudefaenger
Rumen Dimitrov
Strijdom van der Merwe
Ursula Pahnke-Felder
Waltraud Munz-Heiliger
권오열 Kwon Oyeol
김순임 Kim Soonim
이응우 Ri Eungwoo
Jeju-do Korea 2019
전원길 Jeon Wongil
Hand Mark, 2019 Jirisan Hadong
최예문 Choi Yemoon
'YATOO-i PROJECT > 2019' 카테고리의 다른 글
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