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2016 YATOO International Project Nature Art Winter Workshop

YATOO International Project Nature Art Winter Workshop 2016

2016 1.1-2.29


<14 countries 44 artists>

Abigail Doan   

Alejandra González Soca   

Asiyeh Mohamadian   

Atafe Khas   

Barbara roux   

Brunetti Carlotta

Choi Ye-moon   

Donald Buglass   

Farzaneh Najafi   

Firman Djamil   

Francois Davin   

Fred Martin   

Hael Yxxs Hannah Streefkerk 

hundefaenger krd   

Janet Botes   

Jeon Won-gil   

Karen Macher Nesta   

Kim Soon-im   

Ko Seung-hyun   

Kwon O-yeol   

Lilia Pobornikova   

Linda Gordon   

Liz McGowan   

Lorna Green   

Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie   

Majid Masoomi Rad   

Martin Miller   

Mikael Hansen   

Patrick Demazeau dit Made   

Onur Aytürk   

Peter Balazs   

Roy Staab   

Strijdom van der Merwe   

Tara Goudarzi     

Varol Topac   

Waltraud Munz-Heiliger  



Aldhy  Alwan  Fadly    Fuad   Ikramaluddin   Iswanto    Joe Ah-ra  Sofyan   Tuğçe Aytürk   Waldan Andeto   Onur Aytürk


Abigail Doan, Lost in Fiber(artifacts) Bulgaria 2016


Alejandra González Soca, Altered Topography II

400cm long x 480 cm wide and 85cm maximum height
unuses wedding dresses, soil, seeds, fiber geotextile.  
During these two month was artificial an generating a three - dimensional topography.


Asiyeh Mohamadian, untitled

photo by: Asiyeh Mohamadian



Atafe Khas, Persian Carpet2 2016


Barbara roux, Winter Wings 2016  In the woods of Lloyd Neck, New York, U.S.A.

A beating heart can grow

in a bird formed of love

and freezing snow.


Brunetti Carlotta,  Endless Trace


Choi Ye-moon


Donald Buglass, Words are not enough a contribution to ArtCOP21. 

The Tasman Sea interacts with a stack of 1952 Winkler Prins Encyclopaedie on New Brighton Beach, New Zealand


Farzaneh Najafi
Installed in the old city of Toos, Khorasan in North East of Iran.  

bricks and turquoise glazed tiles from the ruins of old city. 2016


Francois Davin, “The Birds’ Ark” part of AiNIN 2° project, with ArtCOP21


Fred Martin, Negative print

Salt, black mud and my body
White desert, Dhrodo, Gujarat, Inde
8 december 2015

Global Nomadic Art Project
# Trees India & Yatoo




Hannah Streefkerk, hand embroidered ca. 50x30 cm.


hundefaenger krd,  Concentration


Janet Botes, "Happy Valentine's Day", hearts cut from kelp seaweed on Scarborough Beach, 

Cape Town Southern Peninsula, South Africa


.Jeon Won-gil


Karen Macher Nesta


Kim Soon-im 


Ko Seung-hyun


Kwon, O-yeol


Lilia Pobornikova, Nets
made in Spain, january 2016, material - painted draft wood. Size 1m.


Linda Gordon, Art, Nature and Place 


Liz McGowan, 160119-Heart-034


Lorna Green, February Flower




Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie, Imprint

The traces we


our mark of being


in time

dissipate, melt into time...

nothing is 




Majid Masoomi Rad, Suddenly  falling in love


Martin Miller


Mikael Hansen




Peter Balazs, Noszvaj Hungary 2016


Roy Staab

the cold winter weather broke with two days of warm weather and high winds, 
melting the snow on the ice making the surface slush, but the ice on the lake is still a foot think. 
I walked on the ice getting my feet wet but still it is an interesting experience.  
the ice cracks with it's expansion and the cold.  here I came upon an 'X' crossing of lines. 
I stepped into the area and then I regret doing it. 
I moved back and photographed this act of nature. 
Nature give inspiration….
February 20, 2016, Big Cedar Lake, town of West Bend, Wisconsin.


Sema Okan Topaç


Strijdom van der Merwe, Weaving sea weed around a rock. Scarborough, Western Cape, South Africa.


Tara Goudarzi, A piece of nature,Tara Goudarzi, Poto by Razieh Goudarzi, Sirom, Lorestan, Iran, 2016


Varol Topac


Waltraud Munz-Heiliger, symbiosis


Tuğçe Aytürk   


Onur Aytürk