YATOO International Project Nature Art First Season Workshop
Ri, Eung-woo Nature Art Camp with Nature
Date: From 18th to 20th of February
Venue: Sunyu-Do Korea
Participants: Kim, Gina / Kim, Boae / Jung, Nawon / Jung, Song / Jung, Yousun / Choi, Anna / Ri, Eungwoo
From 18th to 20th of February, we went to the beautiful island in the west Yellow Sea which called "Sunyu-Do" The waether was wonderful but still the winter was there. Actually, there was around 20 islands and every island has different scale and view. The area was very important in geopolitics. From the ancient, there was many times naval battles and national naval base were there. But it looks very pieceful and silence now days. Only one thing I'm worried about big contructions going on for the driving road from island to the other island.
Participants: Kim, Gina / Kim, Boae / Jung, Nawon / Jung, Song / Jung, Yousun / Choi, Anna / Ri, Eungwoo
A camp with nature in Sunyu-Do
Dining room of school in the island
An introduction lecture for participants
Choi, Anna-puzzle
Jung, Nawon-patience
Jung, Nawon-untitle
Jung, song-a wing
Jung, Song-untitle
Jung, Yousun-handshake
Jung, Yousun-untitle
Kim, Boae-a cherry blossom
Ri, Eungwoo-a pine cone
Ri, Eungwoo-a rest
Ri, Eungwoo-circles
Ri, Eungwoo-horizontal globes
Ri, Eungwoo-standing
Ri, Eungwoo-turvan shells