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ARTISTS-J/Jarek Lustych

Avian flu – h5n1, 2006 site&time-specific, gilded & dyed wood, 5 pieces live size, Warsaw, PolandThis work was created as an interaction between committed artist and actual social issue from the borderline of epidemiology and ecology. More
Patron, 2008 site-specific, signed & dyed wood, Ø 5 m, Sur mon chemin un artiste passe…, Jaujac, FranceA flower like pattern, made from dyed bright orange red wooden beams shows how nature could be condensed into an art/culture. To visualize that threat is the same for nature as well as for culture tops of these beams are signed (burned). Because of the size one can walk between petals, smells a danger and f.. More
Contemporary love, 2009 site-specific, plastic bags & a tree, Warsaw, PolandI familiarized inhuman, natural environment with a mark which every consumer well knows. Hearts decorating a tree, made from waste of the consumer civilization - shopping, plastic bags bearing the resemblance to aggressive advertising makes everybody feel comfortable placed. Used, common junk ma­terials could increase the myth of consumerism wi.. More
Ours time, 2012 site specidic, coal, Ø 7 m, Mine d’art en sentier,  Vieux Condé, FranceBecause of amazing durability of a coal archeologists recognize ancient human sites by fire marks. Fire brands all periods beginnings/endings. I sent a message to our descendants, explaining them atmospheric high level of carbon dioxide.  A partly shallow, partly convex heart like shape covered by a coal impress in a stratigr.. More
Axis, 2014 site-specific, siver gilded tree, up to 7m, La fete de mai, Strud, BelgiumIn this particular case, from a wide spectrum of concepts where tree is a symbol I choose but two: enraciné / deraciné (rooted/uprooted). This couple has to draw attention to current social issue of migration and its relation to life of local communities. More
Axis mundi, 2014 site-specific, siver gilded tree & a pond, 5 m high, 4th Landart Festival, Zwierzyniec, Poland“[...] A silver birch, with exposed roots, proportionate to the crown marks the place most holiest of the holy, where a fluent transition between the world of the living and the dead occurs (alchemists tried to grow a similar tree, as they were convinced that metals, including silver, have a plant natur.. More
From Nature & Back, 2015 from nature & back, 2015site-specific, siver gilded driftwood, about13 m long, Nakasatsunai, Hokkaido, Japan More
Jarek Lustych bio. Jarek Lustych  http://www.lustych.art.pl  I follow my own way, adding experience upon an experience letting each work to shape the next. Since 2000 I've been creatively researching public space. With my works I am trying to establish relationship between an art (piece of art) and an environment, to blend limits. This enables the art describing site / society to being described by them at the sam.. More